Court Reporter
Court reporters use verbatim methods and equipment to capture, store, retrieve, and transcribe proceedings in pre trials and trials. Another type of court reporter is a stenocaptioner - they operate computerized stenographic captioning equipment to provide captions of live or prerecorded broadcasts for hearing-impaired viewers.
- Assertiveness
- Attention to Detail
- Communication
- Diligence and Attention to Detail
- Listening Skills
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Content Library: Court Reporter
Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Associate Professor Stacey Lee discusses the importance of wise negotiation techniques, even – or especially – at a time of crisis such as the current COVID-19 pandemic
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Gain Real-World Business Analytics Skills. Leverage data to solve complex business problems.
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The 7 Cs provide a checklist for making sure that your meetings, emails, conference calls, reports, and presentations are well constructed and clear.
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Discover how people think, how they process information, and what goes on behind the scenes.
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If you want to build self control and discipline, you must learn how to gain self control when the times are toughest, when the challenges are biggest, and when the prize is smallest.
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In our louder and louder world, says sound expert Julian Treasure, "We are losing our listening." In this talk, Treasure shares five ways to re-tune your ears for conscious listening -- to other people and the world around you.
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Corporate leaders’ 360-degree feedback indicates that one out of four of them has a listening deficit — the effects of which can paralyze cross-unit collaboration, sink careers and, if it’s the CEO with the deficit, derail the company.
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Studies on listening have show that we spend 60% of our communication time listening and that the average person can only remember 10% of that 3 days later. Discover why most of us find listening so difficult and how we can improve our listening skills.
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Practitioners create a space for the people they are helping, and let them bring the content (rather than a teacher or mentor whose job it is to impart education and information). An impartial stance means being in a place of non-judgement, of holding a space of psychological safety, and maintaining an equal voice to all those taking part.
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There are many things in life that are outside of your control, but how you spend your time is not one of them. Using your hours to work toward the outcomes you value the most will help to not only bring you success, but will also sustain that feeling of fulfillment that comes from accomplishing your goals. The first step toward learning how to improve time management is realizing that it’s a mental game that anyone can master.
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Roy Peter Clark has written or edited nearly 20 books about the craft of writing, including Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer, The Art of X-Ray Reading: How the Secrets of 25 Greats Works of Literature Will Improve Your Writing, and most recently, Murder Your Darlings: And Other Gentle Writing Advice from Aristotle to Zinsser.
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Become a better creative writer with The Write Practice. Find the best lessons and get timed exercises.
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Learn how great writers keep the ink flowing, the cursor moving, and avoid block.
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