Diplomacy in Difficult Situations

"Alicia loves fish. I know it's part of her diet, but it's a problem for some of the other team members who are vegans, and we work in an open-plan space. The worst bit is she doesn't do a great job of cleaning up her dishes. I'm going to have to use some diplomacy here."

Tact and diplomacy are methods used to aid effective communication, especially during negotiation and when attempting to be persuasive or assertive.

Using tact and diplomacy appropriately can lead to improved relationships with other people and are a way to build and develop mutual respect, which in turn can lead to more successful outcomes and less difficult or stressful communications.

Tact and diplomacy are skills centred around an understanding of other people and being sensitive to their opinions, beliefs, ideas and feelings.

Content Library: Diplomacy in Difficult Situations
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